Ep. 38 - 21 Lessons Learned in 2021

This year has been crazy. I can’t believe 2022 is right around the corner. 2021 brought high highs and low lows, which is to be expected when you're self-employed and a global pandemic trudges along. But with the trials and tribulations comes excitement for the future. This excitement stems from the lessons learned in 2021, as these lessons ultimately become the new stepping stones.

So here are the 21 lessons I've learned in 2021.

  1. Work like a lion. Borrowed from the savant, Naval, most people are not wired to work 9 - 5. This slow, steady state of work is great for the industrial age, but terrible for the creative age. Instead, work like a lion - when you feel inspired work relentlessly, when you don’t - rest.
  2. Optimism over pessimism. Pessimists get the headlines, optimists get the fat pay cheques. Be relentlessly optimistic and watch the doors open. Plus, pessimists are annoying.
  3. Relax. One missed workout. One day of not following whatever routine you may have will not make or break you. Enjoy it. [I suck at this, but working on it]
  4. Overestimate a day, underestimate a year. We often assume we can tackle a massive to-do-list in a day, but don’t think we can accomplish a BHAG. Small, consistent actions daily will always win.
  5. Don’t ruin your compounding. We know compounding investments is key, so don’t ruin it. Don’t sell too early out of fear. Have conviction and stick to the plan.
  6. Be comfortable with uncertainty. Our world will become more and more uncertain as technology advances further. Be fluid and willing to adapt.
  7. Prepare for the worst, expect the best. I think this one hits home for many. Expect a worse pandemic than covid, a housing crisis, and a recession. Build the war chest to sleep easy at night. But be relentlessly optimistic in the meantime.
  8. Get on the field. It’s so easy to be the ‘Monday Morning Quarterback’, but much harder to play the game. If you’re not in the game then you have no ground to stand on. If you like the stands - that’s great, just don’t attack those on the field.
  9. Our bodies can handle a lot. The dogma of ‘exercising three days a week’ is a farce. You can exercise everyday. Your body repairs quickly. The three days a week mantra is bullsh*t.
  10. Stay the course. This is challenging when things are going wrong, but the dots will eventually start connecting.
  11. Hell yes or no. Learn to say no and protect your time. If it’s not a "HELL YES", then it’s simply a "no".
  12. Prioritize physical and mental health. If these two are not in check then nothing else matters. We must first take care of ourselves. That stupid cliche and airplane saying, ‘put your mask on first’ holds true.
  13. Bet on yourself. This is the best investment you can make. Trust your abilities and take the leap - whatever it may be. It’s scary, but have conviction in your abilities. Worst case scenario is you fail, but learn lifelong lessons. But likely, you won’t fail.
  14. Appreciate your support group more. You likely have a massive support group - partner, family, friends, etc. Say thank you, get them something meaningful for the holidays. Even if you’re a solopreneur, you have an entire team behind you.
  15. Take more time for yourself. This one is important. Being alone (and bored) is a fantastic way to unwind, gain clarity, and even gather new ideas. Don’t be afraid of it, embrace it.
  16. Be comfortable earning and talking about money. We’ve made this subject so taboo. If you’re earning lots of money, be proud of it. There's nothing wrong with it. Money is not evil, no matter what people lead you to believe.
  17. The far left and far right are equally as f*cked. Media will continue to politicize everything we do. Think for yourself, and reason from a first principles standpoint. Because trust me, "they" don’t have your best interests in mind.
  18. Have fun. Try to have fun with what you do. If you look forward to your three weeks vacation every year and that’s it, then change jobs. It’s not worth it. Don’t trade 49 weeks for 3.
  19. Get in the room. Network, shoot your shot, and you never know what will happen. One email, one tweet, and one DM can change your life. No harm in trying.
  20. Inflation is eating our purchasing power. The best way to hedge against this is by buying assets [stocks, crypto, real estate] and having a cash flowing business. It will likely get worse, so be ready.
  21. Lastly, a lot of people think 2022 is going to be a mess [covid, economy, supply chains]. Don’t listen. Enter it with optimism and have fun.

So there’s my 21 lessons learned in 2021. Bring on 2022.