Ep. 42 - 30
Success can be achieved while enjoying the ride. It is not a 'this' or 'that' phenomenon.
Ep. 41 [Repost] - Most People Do, What Most People Do
This week I decided to repost an article from a few months ago. Partly out of
laziness, and partly because
Ep. 40 - New Year [new you?]
If you've picked resolutions for 2022 based on someone else's ideals, then stop.
Ep. 39 - Starting & Remaining Small: The Case for Anti-Growth
We’ve been witnessing a parabolic rise in the relentless pursuit of Growth.
Investor’s are continually forecasting and analyzing
Ep. 38 - 21 Lessons Learned in 2021
The far left and far right are equally as f*cked.
Ep. 37 - Recession Proof your Life
Just start shipping a product/service and see if it sticks.
Ep. 36 - Winning Habits
It’s one thing to say, and another to do. "There will always be next year" is a great way to never do anything.
Ep. 35 - The Worst Financial Advice
Remember, Tony Robbins and the like did not get rich saving $50 per month and skipping coffees, they got rich selling you that advice.
Ep. 34 - Accounting for Bitcoin: The impact on corporate & institutional investment
This simple change could open the floodgates for corporate adoption and be another catalyst in the meteoric rise of Bitcoin.
Ep. 33 - Bitcoin - Where do we go from here?
It's no secret I've been a Bitcoin Bull over the last ~14 months, and most