Ep. 32 - Scarcity & the value of money
Bitcoin is immutable money.
Ep. 31 - Bitcoin & altering time preferences
This is an evolutionary technology and one that can shift us towards a more productive, efficient, and healthier society.
Ep. 30 - The Opportunity Cost of Bitcoin
"The volatility doesn't really matter because investing in Bitcoin now is like investing in Apple and Amazon in the early 2000's"
Ep. 29 - Don't wait - just do
"Good things don't come to those who wait."
Ep. 28 - Small, Consistent Steps = Asymmetric Returns
Don't let bad days compound.
Ep. 27 - Releasing the chains
Remember, concentration builds wealth and diversification maintains wealth. Do your due diligence and make the bet.
Ep. 26 - Lifelong learning
Take more at-bats and swing for the fence.
Ep. 25 - asymmetric bets & the erosion of fiat
Since 1913 the US Dollar has lost 96% of its value.
Ep. 24 - Delayed gratification: living & working for the long-term [5/5]
Humans are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
Ep. 23 - Work like a lion [4 / 5]
Work in sprints, rest, and capture opportunities.